Design and Documentation work:
- Added the description of a few more tables to the DB page (current DB)
- Added a chapter on RDBMS representation of the graph model, with four methods of graph representation considered
- Worked on the ProdSys object model and schemas for the following components:
- Meta-Task
- Task
- Adjacency map, as the apparently most efficient way of representation for the Tasks in RDBMS
- If datasets are properties of the edges in the graph representing the Meta-Task, this makes for a reasonable implementation of the workflow logic, since the dependencies between tasks adjacent in the graph, in the model currently used by Coordinators, is established on the basis of the data being available for the next step
- New set of "states" for the task, aligned with JEDI
- Introduced Pseudo-tasks: entry and exit, a common practice in Grid-based workflow management
11/01/12 to 11/15/12
Documentation work
- Cleaned up documentation on the main ProdSys page
- Added descriptions of a few more "T-tables" to the DB page. Up to 20 tables have been identified as no longer used, orphaned or invalid
- More information has been added to the Main ProdSys Twiki page, based on the Production Group documentation and inspection of the code used in preparation of the LIST data.
- An additional Task Model Page has been created for better organization of the documentation.
- The description of the Production Database has been supplemented with information about additional tables
- Performed maintenance of the development server at BNL, necessary due to migration to new hardware
- Continued practicing with the "Spreadsheet Process" workflow management scripts, inspected produced data, documented the experience on the ProdSys page